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Shropshire: Shrewsbury Urban Stroll

Sunday, 27th April 2014

If I remember correctly, this was a short, urban stroll I did with my aunt after dinner whilst visiting my uncle who is lucky enough to live on the banks of the River Severn.  

Probably only about 2.5 miles but lots of history and architecture, not dissimilar to York really.

The gardens which my uncle's house overlooks

English Bridge

There seems to be a lot of random stone relics
from old buildings just dotted around

Looking down the River Severn from English Bridge

Old drinking trough

The castle

The railway station

Fabulous little cobbled alleyways

I would like to re-visit Shropshire in general as I have a few walks earmarked.

Thanks for looking 😊

Yorkshire Dales Weekend: Gragareth, Malham Tarn, Janet's Foss and Goredale Scar

Sunday, 20th April 2014

I met up with Peter off the forum for a walk up Gragareth (627 metres / 2,060 ft) which, technically, is half in Lancashire and half in Yorkshire.  

We parked up on the Lancashire side of the hill and followed a farm track north-ish for as long as we were able before zig-zagging off-piste to the trig point on the top.

From there, we continued more directly downhill to have a look-see what the "Three Men of Gragareth" was all about.  Turns out it's a pile of 3 "cairns" lined up together, along with another 2 nearby and one stood alone a little further along.  From there we simply descended the rest of the hill to the car.

It was a pretty blustery day and we decided not to do the full Leck Fell horseshoe so returned to the car and drove to Ingleton for a failed attempt at Ingleborough.  The wind was far worse there and whipping up the sandy soil quite painfully.

Some pictures:

The lonely Leck Fell road with Gragareth on the horizon

Looking towards Dentdale

Peter and me at Gragareth's Trig point

The rocky terrain near Gragareth's summit

Peter heading to the first two cairns

The "Three Men" of Gragareth
with further cairns in the distance

Seeing as it was such a lovely day, after returning to my accommodation, I decided to go for a short evening stroll in Malham along Janet's Foss to Goredale Scar.

Some pictures:

Goredale Beck

Possibly Janet's Cave

Janet's Foss

Heading up and out of there I continued on to Goredale Scar:

Easy path up to Goredale Scar

Getting nearer

Goredale Scar
The photo doesn't do it justice

More adventurous folk clamber up the scar, dodging the waterfall that cascades down as they go.  Maybe one day... but not today!

I simply retraced my steps and had a meal in the pub in Malham before returning to my accommodation.

Monday, 21st April 2014

Today's walk was a circuit around Malham Tarn.  Most folks seem to include the "foot" of the tarn as part of their walk down to Malham Cove but I found a circular walk on the Yorkshire Dales website of about 4 miles looping around the tarn.  A hidden gem of a walk if you ask me.

Some pictures:

I parked near here and headed off towards Malham

Views over Malham Tarn towards Great Close Hill

Malham Moor Smelt Mill Chimney

Follow these markers for the walk
- a lot of it is footpathless!

Approaching the popular Tarn Foot

Terns on the Tarn!

Following the path to Malham Tarn House (field centre)

Quirky Curiosities!

This is actually a small toilet block!

Peaceful sunken lane

Views over the tarn towards Malham

(I stopped here a while for a paddle and a cuppa)

I followed the blue route anticlockwise

Crossing Tarn Moss

 Tarn Moss was quite eerie really.  Lots of hidden gurgling as the water seeps through the sponge-like peat.  Luckily there were boardwalks to walk on though.

After returning to my car I travelled home.

A lovely walking weekend in perfect weather.

Thanks for looking 😊