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South Yorkshire: Agden and Damflask Reservoirs

Sunday, 21st April 2013

Well.... I turned up for a National Park Ranger led walk .... and the Rangers didn't turn up!  So the 12 of us that were there decided to set off out on our own.  The original walk was supposed to be around Dale Dike and Agden Reservoirs but we ended up doing this instead.  We went steep uphill to go around Agden Reservoir first.  Then back into Low Bradfield and the Post Office/Cafe for a comfort break and coffee.  Then we agreed to do a "lap" around Damflask Reservoir - a more flat route.  I think my fitness is coming on in leaps and bounds - I could hold a conversation (just) as we climbed the steep steps to the top of the hill at Agden Reservoir and I didn't need a stop halfway up :) One thing I've realised though... I DON'T want to join the Ramblers.  I was talking to one woman who is in the Sheffield Ramblers and she said they walk so fast because most members have busses to catch so to get the miles in, they have to walk fast.  So the Ramblers aren't for me.  What's the point of walking through all the lovely countryside we have if you haven't got the time to appreciate the views?

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Feeder stream to Agden Reservoir

Windy Bank Wood - a steep woodland trail

Heading down to Agden Reservoir

Damflask Reservoir


The walking group

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Info Board

8 miles in total.  Quite a distance for me so early in my walking career!

Thanks for looking 😊