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WI Walk - Brandesburton (3.5 miles)

Saturday, 3rd February 2018

It was our monthly WI Walking Group walk today and seven of us met up at the hall and scratched our heads as to doing a walk that didn't involve too much mud.  We plumped for Brandesburton, a walk I've done before at a similar time of year, and knew it was on good, compacted hardcore tracks and quiet road walking.

After parking up outside the Dacre Arms (free roadside parking) we set off in the mizzle:

The Bridleway behind Plantation Cottages

The mud really isn't bad at all

One of the ponds at Burshill
(I was actually taking a pic of the ducks on it!!)

Snowdrops braving the weather

Winter Aconite
It never quite rained but we had soggy hats by the end of the walk!  

This still remains an easy walk to do when all the fields are waterlogged and the mud round here (clay) is unbelievably awful to walk on.

One day I'll do it in summer and maybe explore a footbridge across a field we spotted (definitely not a task for the mud and the rain of winter, that's for sure!)

As an aside, I'm up to 31.8 miles on my Challenge365 Mile A Day For A Year project... a little bit behind target but I have a walk lined up for tomorrow as well (weather permitting!) which should get me back in mileage credit, so to speak.

Thanks for looking 😊