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East Yorkshire: Preston Lake (5.6 miles)

Easter Sunday, 1st April 2018

This is an extended version of a walk that our walking group sometimes do.  We've not done it (the shorter version) for a while so I thought it made a fine candidate for a local meander and packed my small rucksack with a snack and flask to "make a day of it", so to speak.  I knew the perfect spot, complete with giant tree branch bench, to sit and enjoy just being out in the fresh air.

I was suprised to discover that, despite being predominantly around field margins, it was a reasonably un-muddy walk, especially considering the rain we've had recently.

Sheep thoughts...
"Why's she not walking on the pavement near the houses like normal people do?"

East End Lane - the road to New York

Robin singing his beak off

Trees in bud - Spring is here


Aconite (I think)

"Des Res"

Hedon Church


Portal into the underworld?

Mr and Mrs Goose out for a walk

Preston Lake

Never cast a clout 'till the May is out
(Blackthorn coming into flower)

I guess someone disagrees!

New York farm and the "Des Res"

Returning to civilisation

Nice walk on the best day of the bank holiday weekend.

Thanks for looking