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Ambleside: Day 5 - It didn't go quite as planned..

Friday, 10th January 2020

Well today I was planning on doing Red Screes via High Sweden Bridge but I woke up with a horrible tight chest and snuffly sneezy sniffles.  I felt rubbish, hot/cold/shivery/sweaty (nice!).

So I decided to take it easy and tidy the little apartment up and get packed away ready for tomorrow's drive home.

I was gutted... Look At That Weather:

A near-on perfect day for a walk up a mountain.

Gutted.  This happens to me quite a bit - having a week off work and coming down with some lurgy or other.  I'm sure it's nature's way of telling me to bloody-well relax and unwind!

All in all though, a lovely week away and it's got me thinking about doing something similar (renting somewhere for a week) an a few months' time - when hopefully the weather will be a bit better!

I will be back...